• Dairy Free,  Gluten Free,  hannukah,  Kosher,  Parve,  Quickies,  Side Dishes,  Soy Free,  Starters,  Vegetarian


    Ingredients per cup (double as needed) 240 ml. (1 cup) milk (can be substituted for goat’s-milk/soy/coconut/almond milk, per your personal preference) 20 gr. cornstarch 30 gr. sugar optional: 2-3 drops of rose water cinnamon and nuts to sprinkle Preparation Mix all ingredients in a small pot and cook over medium heat, stirring continuously until thickens to desired level (if you don’t stir, lumps will form and the bottom may burn). Pour into cup(s), sprinkle cinnamon and nuts, and serve.

  • Breads,  Buns and Rolls,  Can be prepared in advance,  Dairy Free,  Gluten Free,  Kosher,  Parve,  Vegetarian

    Airy GF Challah

    Ingredients ½ kg. (1 package) Tagmish flour (or, of you cannot get it a GF flour mix that can make buns and other shaped goods) 75 gr. sugar 10 gr. dry yeast 70 gr. vegetable oil 1 egg 2 cups warm water 5 gr. salt Glaze Ingredients 1 egg yolk 1 tsp. vegetable oil 1 tsp. water Preparation In a small bowl, mix the yeast with 1 tsp. of the sugar and some of the warm water, and leave for 5 minutes until it froths. In your stand-mixer bowl, place all ingredients and knead on low speed until unified. Change to medium speed and knead for 15 minutes. With oiled…

  • Dairy,  Dairy Free,  Desserts and mousses,  Gluten Free,  Kosher,  Parve,  Pre-preparation required,  Quickies,  Soy Free,  Sweets,  Vegetarian

    Quick Pistachio Ice Cream

    This is 3 minutes of work, 30 minutes in your ice cream maker, and then (at least) an hour in the freezer. Ingredients 500 ml. heavy cream (or dairy-free/Pareve substitute)300 ml. (1¼ cups) milk (or dairy-free/Pareve substitute such as soy milk/rice milk/almond milk)6-8 Tbsp. sugar (if using dairy-free cream substitute, reduce to 4 Tbsp., as it is significantly sweeter)1 vanilla bean, scraped for seeds1 tsp. pistachio paste Preparation Whisk all ingredients together in a bowl.Churn in an ice-cream maker for 25-30 minutes (if you do not have an ice cream maker, place in a closed container in the freezer – remove and mix every ½ an hour until it reaches…

  • Dairy Free,  Gluten Free,  hannukah,  Kosher,  Parve,  Quickies,  Side Dishes,  Soy Free,  Starters,  Vegetarian

    Potato Latkes

    Ingredients 5 medium potatoes 2 medium onions 2 eggs 3 Tbsp. Tami GF flour (or plain flour) 1 tsp salt optional: black pepper to taste Preparation Peel and grate the potatoes (using a grater or a food processor), and squeeze out all liquid. Peel and quarter the onions. Chop the onions toa pulp in the food processor and squeeze out all liquid. Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Heat skillet with ¼” of oil. Fill a Tbsp. with batter, flatten using a second Tbsp., sliding the Latke into the oil with it. Once the sides start to turn light-golden and crisp, turn Latke over. Once the other side is also…

  • Buns and Rolls,  Dairy Free,  Gluten Free,  Kosher,  Parve,  Savory bakes,  Vegan,  Vegetarian

    Sweet GF Challah/Buns

    Ingredients 600 gr. Tagmish GF flour 1 Tbsp. (12 gr.) dry yeast 120 gr. sugar 50 gr. (25 gr. + 25 gr.) vegetable oil 1 Tbsp. salt 600 ml. tap water 1 egg for brushing sesame seeds for sprinkling (optional) Preparation Mix all dry ingredients in a bowl. Add water and 25 gr. of oil and knead for a 6-7 minutes on high until you get a soft, sticky dough. Pour remaining (25 gr.) of oil over dough, and knead into the dough. Cover bowl loosely with a plastic bag, and let rise in warm place for approx. ½ an hour. For buns: Divide dough into equal parts weighing 100…