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GF White Bread

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2015-11-16 14.16.41


280 gr. (2 cups) Tagmish GF flour
½ Tbsp. (~7 gr.) dry yeast
2 Tbsp. sugar
¼ Tbsp. salt
½ tsp. (2 gr.) baking powder
2 Tbsp. vegetable oil
280 gr. tap water
1 egg
1 Tbsp. Tami Gluten-Free Couscous Mix

For brushing: 1 egg yolk + 1 tsp. vegetable oil


Mix all dry ingredients, other than Couscous mix, in a bowl.
Add all liquids, except egg, and knead for a few minutes until you get a soft, sticky dough.
Add egg and knead until fully incorporated.
Add Couscous mix and knead for an additional 5 minutes.
Lightly oil a medium-sized bowl, and transfer the dough onto it.
Cover bowl with plastic wrap, and let rise for approx. ½ an hour.
Place dough into lightly-oiled bread tin.
Lightly wet your hands and smooth top of bread.
Lightly wet your finger tips and smooth dough on all sides, to create straight lines.
Cover with a towel and let rise refrigerated for ½ an hour.
Preheat your oven to 200C/400F.
Brush with egg mixture on top and sides evenly.
Bake at the center rack of your oven for 10 minutes.
Reduce heat to 170C/340F and continue baking until nicely golden-brown on top.
Move tin to a lower rack, and continue baking for 10 minutes.
Remove from oven and tin and let cool on an oven rack.
You can keep in closed plastic bag on counter top for up to two days, or slice and freeze.

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